Mothers' Union:
Prayer and Fellowship Group
The Mothers’ Union is an organisation of over 3.6 million members, women and men, living in over 78 countries, who believe in the importance of families. As well as encouraging and supporting families and marriage, members work to reach out as God’s family to change lives and bring Christ’s hope to those who are isolated, in trouble or in need.
In 2019, St Michael's became a Mothers’ Union Prayer and Fellowship Group. The Mothers' Union Prayer and Fellowship Group meets at 2.30pm on the 2nd Thursday of every month, except August.
We have a membership of 20 and at meetings, an average of 12 or so attend. Meetings are led by different members or a guest speaker. We use the intercession prayer sheets from Salisbury or personal prayers and readings, followed by discussion, chat and of course tea and biscuits.
We have a tea party in the Summer and Christmas / New Year party and enjoy lunches out, usually at the Stocks.
We would very much welcome visitors and new members. For more information please speak to Margaret Gillingham, Joan Woodward or Di Shove.
Midweek Communion – 1st Wednesday @10.30 am.