There is so much activity and noise in our every day lives that most of need to learn stillness.
Once we begin down the road of stillness, our minds can be quickly distracted by our thoughts.
Prayer is the lifeblood of faith. Through prayer, God calls us into a deeper relationship with God.
Silent prayer allows us to sit in stillness in the silence of God.
In the words of St Augustine, "We may pray most when we say least."
St Michael's holds Silent Prayer on the first Thursday of the month in the Alec Moore Room,
in the Church Centre at 2pm.
Silent Prayer is an opportunity to spend an hour and a half in meditation, contemplation and gentle bible reading (Lectio Divina*).

Reading, Reflecting, Responding and Remaining
The Four R's of Lectio Divina
Reading Take your time and read the passage, getting a sense of what it is saying. Read the passage again – what words and phrases strike you – and listen in your heart.
Reflecting – Read the passage again, slowly. Pause on the words and phrases that strike you and take time to consider their meaning, particularly in your life.
Responding – Read the passage again, slowly. Consider how God has spoken to you in this passage and respond back to him. Maybe consider how the passage is asking you to act differently.
Remaining – Take some time to simply be in the presence of God.
*There are no meetings on Bank Holidays
For More Information please contact:
Malcolm Chisholm
01202 989573
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