

Our current pattern of services is as follows:

Sundays 10am Livestreamed Parish Eucharist
5th Sundays :
8am Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
10am Café-style Church in the Church Centre led by the Lay Worship Team

What is Café Church?
It’s an informal welcoming service with singing, Bible passage, a short talk
and a few prayers washed down with food and drink.
Our next Café Church is on 29th December 2024
(refreshments are served from around 9.30am)

We continue to livestream all our Sunday services apart from Café Church.

First Wednesday of each Month at 10.30am
Said Holy Communion (Book of Common Prayer)
 BCP/Common Worship
No need to book ahead, just turn up and be very welcome.

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Here are St Michael's we hold a variety of daily, weekly and monthly services,
and welcome everyone at our services. 

The Clergy consider it a privilege  to conduct a baptism, wedding and funeral.

Whatever your need, please click on a link below to find out more.


Our Services
Our Services
Baptisms, Weddings & Funerals

To find details regarding
Christmas, Easter, or Remembrance Services
please click on of the following links:

Open to God - Follow the Star Easter FB Banner Alleluia
Christmas Easter