Church Choir
Awaiting re-write from Jo
Old text....
St Michael’s has a long-established choral tradition, and the 4-part Choir leads the singing of the hymns and communion setting at the 10am service on Sunday morning, and at other major church festivals. It seeks to enhance our worship through music, and on most Sundays the Choir sings an anthem following communion.
The Choir is always ready to welcome new members. No experience is necessary, just enthusiasm and a great love of singing.
The Choir is affiliated to the Royal School of Church Music and regularly sings with other choirs at Diocesan Choir Festivals. The Choir also provides music for weddings at the church if requested, and is sometimes asked to sing at outside concerts and for other organisations.
The Choir meets for practice on Friday evenings during term-time from 7.15pm until 8.15pm in the church.
If anyone is interested in joining the Choir please contact either the Vicar or the Director of Music, Jo Clayton.