Parish Eucharist (10am)

Our main Sunday Service is at 10:00am in Church.
It helps to get there 15 minutes early to get a parking spot and seat in time for the service to start.
Our Parish Eucharist uses modern language and has a full choir.
Parking is available on site, plus there is additional parking next door at the Middle School.
What is Eucharist or Communion?
Eucharist comes from a Greek word meaning 'thanksgiving'. Communion is a word which expresses our unity with God and one another as a family of believers. Whatever we call the service, Eucharist or Communion is a service at which bread and wine is taken, we remember what Jesus did by dying and rising again for us, and we bless, break and share these gifts to strengthen us in our daily living. To find more information about communion (sometimes called the Eucharist) here.
Communion is distributed from the nave altar and people are invited forward to receive by our welcomers. If you do not wish to take communion but would like to receive a blessing, please indicate this by crossing your arms over your chest. If you need help to go forward or would prefer to receive communion or a blessing in your seat, please tell a churchwarden or one of the welcome team.
Gluten Free wafers are available. Please speak to one of the welcoming team or to a Church Warden before the service.
If you have any questions about our Sunday Services or need to get in touch with us about any other enquiry we will be happy to help. Please Contact Us for more information.