#LoveYourself #LoveYourNeighbour
During lockdown we have run a series of posts on Facebook called
#LoveYourself #LoveYourNeighbour.
If you missed it or aren't on Facebook, you can have a look at some of the ideas here:
Open a Window: Bring in Life
Open a window and let some fresh air in.
What can you hear outside?
Spend a moment being thankful for the life-bringing
things you hear.
Take a Minute: Breathe Slowly
One of the ways of helping us reduce anxiety is to intentionally
breathe more deeply and slowly.
Try it. 5 seconds to breathe in, 5 out.
Listen to a Song: Be Uplifted
Pick an uplifting song you like,
then sit and listen without doing anything else.
What song have you chosen?
Savour the Moment
Choose one small thing and do it. Clear a draw, wash-up or
simply make yourself the cup of tea you’ve wanted all morning.
Doing it with love, savour the moment.
Take a Screen Break
Take a break from the screens in your life.
Spend an hour without them and see what
other things you may have otherwise have missed.
Look at Yourself in the Mirror
Take a really good look at yourself
in the mirror and remember
how much God loves you
Change Your Place
Try sitting in a different place to usual at the same time each day.
Be mindful of the different perspective as you reflect or pray,
and thank God for the things you can see that might go
unnoticed in your normal day-to-day.
Yes, But...
If you’re struggling to find positives at the moment,
try the “Yes, but” game.
Each time you feel down or have a negative thought,
follow it with, “Yes, but,” and speak out something good
that you can see, hear, or think.
Phone a friend. Stay Connected.
Is there someone you’d normally see today?
Why not them a call and check how they’re doing?
Pray for Passers By
Look out the window, and pray for someone you see walking past.
If you can’t see anyone, bring a neighbour to mind and pray a blessing over them.
Virtual Meet Up
Do you have a group of friends you normally go out with?
Try having a video call – maybe share a virtual meal,
organise a pub quiz or share having drinks over video,
and keep those connections going,
Smile at Shop Assistants
If you’re going out to buy your essentials today,
smile at the person serving you;
as someone once said, ‘smiling is free therapy’

Google Map Prayer
Go on Google Maps and zoom into a street, or a town.
Pray for that area, whether it’s where you live,
or somewhere you’ve picked at random
Share a Recipe
Do you have a favourite recipe?
A tried and tested family favourite?
Why do share the recipe and let others love it too?
Here's some we've tried and tested for you to try:
Chocolate Tray Bake
Mary Berry's Fork Biscuits
Chocolate Fudge Crinkle Biscuits
Chocolate and Coconut Bars
Orange and Rhubarb Cake

Remember Someone: Light a Candle
Remember what the person means to you,
be thankful you know them and as you
light the candle appreciate the light they bring to the world.
Send a Smile
Send a friend a smile – write them a letter or send them a card.
It’s always nice to receive an unexpected letter in the post.